Sunday, May 20, 2012

Sweet dreams cutie pie

Tonight Jaymes & I decided it best to put Ayden to sleep in our bed with us. He's super congested for whatever reason, and I didn't want him getting worked up over being put in his crib (like he has in recent days) and then not being able to sleep because of even worse congestion!

Long story short: We laid down with him after reading his bed time stories, turned out the lights, prayed, and turned on the sound machine. During nap today I used the same method (sleep with mommy) for the same reason and it worked in about 30 seconds! Tonight, Jaymes fell asleep about 30 seconds in, I pretended to be asleep so Ayden would stop talking, and Ayden kept turning from Jaymes to me, smiling up a storm because he was in-between his two most favorite people at bed time!! :) After awhile I thought he was about to drift off but instead he started pointing to my nose, teeth, lips, and eyes.. and smiling as if to think "she has no idea I'm doing this.. mwuahaha!" Little did he know I could see it all through a little crack in my eye. It was precious, it's a memory I don't want to forget.. the simple things in life that make us most happy!!

We had to put him in his crib because he just wouldn't fall asleep after all, but he's going down peacefully so far!

I LOVE THAT BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mismatched candlesticks

My husband and I are two totally different people, we always have been. I think we notice more now, then we did while dating our differences. It’s our choice to let Satan have his way with them, and fued… or, do what the Lord designed us to do TOGETHER.

Sadly, I’m human. I don’t always choose the Lord’s way. There’s times when dangit, I just want to win- I want my point proven. I bet the enemy just loves those moments when I choose my human desires over what’s best. You see, sometimes God draws two TOTALLY different people together because there’s something amazing in each of them, that the other needs. And when they work hard at setting their differences aside, a strong team is created. A team that the Lord can use to further his Kingdom!!

Why does it matter if I’m right, anyways? Or if my ‘point’ is proven.. I’m pretty sure it’s not MY point that needs to be proven to begin with!
There are so many things I can’t do without my husband’s support, his guidance, and his leadership. I have to make a conscious effort every day to forget the things that inevitably drive me ‘crazy’ about him, and love him for who he is (flaws and all!)

I love you, Jaymes Heare!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Forgetting who I am.

I 'stumbled' across a devotional this morning that spoke very loud to me (or, God placed it in my path for a specific reason!) ;)

The main jist was this: A mom of 3 young boys realizes how miserable she is, she struggles daily with feelings of inadequacy & exhaustion, and is completely overwhelmed. She asked herself, "After struggling with 3 years of infertility, shouldn't I be enjoying every single moment of this? What is wrong with me??"

After reading this, I started thinking about how I struggle with the same thoughts! Not every day, and not after struggling with infertility, but I do!! And what's wrong with me? Nothing! I'm human, and those feelings (in doses, might I add) are completely normal! ESPECIALLY with 3 little boys!!

She goes on to say that she knew her soul needed refreshment. She was totally consumed in the day-to-day life of 'stay at home mommy' and she was starting to lose who SHE was beyond that. She chose to find herself again, in the middle of the chaos!

She started creating little 'moments of peace' throughout her home. Fresh cut flowers on her table, a pretty coffee mug, a ruffled blouse. She knew that the answer to peace wasn't found in these things alone, but in Christ. However, finding her identity was a start!

Here's the link, it gave me such a boost!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

When God does a work..

There is so much on my mind right now it's ridiculous! After MUCH deliberation, I think I've decided which topic to blog about tonight.

God is working in me through many different circumstances and people. I've noticed that the harder He works at helping me 'fix' certain areas in my life, the harder the enemy works at stopping Him from getting through to me. I'm in awe of His still small voice! The simple fact that He loves me enough to tell me the same.exact.thing 1,000 times before I ever hear it.. the fact that He doesn't love me any less for the times when I don't listen.

Jaymes & I were talking about legacies, and life purpose last night when the Lord spoke to me (very loudly): "You're here because I want to do an INCREDIBLE work through you, and the reason you feel the enemy tugging that much harder to stop your progress is because he's afraid of what you'll accomplish through MY strength!!!!!"

I told Jaymes immediately what I'd been told, and he smiled as if he already knew.

I have absolutely no idea where the Lord will lead me, or what He's working on accomplishing in my life.. but I can tell you this much, it's going to be something I'll be proud to leave a legacy on!

"Here I am, Lord, send me. Here I am, Lord, I'll go!!!"