Thursday, April 29, 2010

Getting excited!!

Hello friends & family!!! Time for an update. Everything is going pretty good out here in Cali! We're nearing some big decisions and fun plans! As some of you know, we're coming home for a visit from May 26th- June 6th! And by "we", I mean all of us: Jaymes, me, baby, and the dog! We'll be staying with my parents for our visit, and we're really excited to see everyone! Our moms are throwing us a baby shower on June 5th, which is still being planned out, but we're very excited for that as well! The day after we arrive back here from our little vacation, we move out of this apartment and into our new one! We've yet to sign a lease with this place, but we're 98% sure we'll be doing that within the next couple of weeks. We've decided living on base will not work for us for a few reasons, but the biggest being it's too far from the hospital. Anyhow, the apartment we're probably moving into is very nice, much nicer than the one we have now, and it's in Talega!! Hmm let's see what else... well, we've been pretty busy with registering for baby things, making baby plans, signing up for birthing classes, etc. & it's a bit overwhelming at times. We went to Baby's R US last weekend to put things on our registery, and instead of having fun, I felt like a lost puppy.. the list of things they gave us that they say you'll need for baby's arrival was HUGE. I know for a fact I don't need sanitizing tablets to clean my baby's bottle.. come on now, ever heard of a dishwasher?!!! Or how about choosing a brand of diapers?? I can't do that until baby is here and I know what works best for us. Or what size clothes will best fit our baby..? What brands work for certain things, which ones don't? So much to do, so little time. Anyhow, Jaymes & I put about 30 things on the registery and then left so we could go home and go over the list & decide what's REALLY necessary. I think I'll be giving some of my girlfriends back home a call about this list! The pregnancy itself has been getting a little rough.. but for the most part, I can't complain about a whole lot! The biggest problem has been back pain. Never before in my life have I gained this much weight, this fast.. so it's really been putting a strain on me. THANKFULLY, it's all belly & there are zerrroooo stretch marks as of now! There's a few other issues as well, but nothing huge.. yet. About 7 weeks left of this trimester, then it's on to the last!!! As most of you know, we found out we're having a little boy!! Jaymes & I are thrilled :) When we first talked about having kids, we said that we both wanted a little boy for our first.. and that's what we're getting! How exciting!! The doctor said he's gonna be a BIG baby.. which we fully expected with how fast I'm growing.. that, and it runs on my side of the family. My sister was over 10 pounds, and I was over 9.. yiiikes! Sorry Mom... ha! Also, his "little movements" have turned into full fledged kicks and punches! He's gonna be really strong.. just like his Daddy ;) Okay, I'm wrapping this one up because my other baby, "Dozer" needs to go outside! Lots of love.. see most of you guys soon!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

New plans & baby update :)

Well everybody, I'm gonna try to explain this as best I can without confusion. Jaymes & I since last month, have been planning on moving to base so we can save extra money for baby Heare. If we lived on base, here would be the pro's: A bigger place, cheaper groceries, less gas money, closer to friends. So, LOTS of them!! Our cons: further from the hopsital we'll deliver at, further from church, not as much BAH, and living by a tun of Marines, Jaymes would never feel like he really "came home" from work. Wellll, Jaymes came home from work the other night with a great idea. We started to look at apartments/houses to rent that are closer to the hospital, with more space, for less cost. We found a place that's VERY close to the hospital, (on base we'd be an HOUR away... can you imagine a 1 hour car ride in labor?? Not me) Right now we pay $1395 a month to live in a 700 square foot apartment.. welcome to Cali, folks. If we lived at this new apartment complex, we'd pay closer to $1000 a month, and we'd have a lot more space. We're going to check it out this weekend to see if it's worth it or not. If we lived on base, we'd only save around $300 a month, if we live in this apartment, we'll be saving close to/more than double that. We're also getting rid of one of our vehicles very shortly, and that'll save us even more.

I do want to add very quickly that our 17 week visit went great!!! Baby is doing just fine & growing very fast!! We have an appointment @ 2:30 on the 20th to determine the sex.. CAN'T WAIT!! Also, during our appointment I was describing my growing pains to the doctor and she said that not only am I experiencing round ligament pain, but I'm actually able to feel contractions already.. (didn't see that one coming!!) They are very painful, and sometimes I can't move until they "subside", but they aren't unbearable.. which is good, because I have 5 more months to go.. haha! She said most women don't feel them until they are further along, but I guess I'm one of the "lucky" few that gets to feel them early. ha! Maybe it's cause I'm petite??

That's all for now, my eyes are getting blurry.