Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Bye bye baby

Ayden James turns 2 next month, and of course, I'm experiencing all sorts of bittersweet emotions!
I want to spend some time going over the things that are still very 'baby' about him, as he transitions into little boy.. these things are dear to my heart.

*His SOFT skin. I just love stroking his arm, running my fingers over his cheeks, and playing with his chunky baby thighs!

*His CHUNKY baby thighs. Yes, they have started to thin out, but there's still plenty of chunk left to love on. :) I love watching them jiggle as he runs!

*Butt dimples. Oh yes, my favorite.

*That he still LOVES being rocked to sleep for the night. There's nothing like seeing this 'ALL boy' boy just relax into my arms, suck his thumb, and wind down.

*Thumb sucking. He still does that, and I, for one, think it's adorable. Especially when he tries to smile and keep sucking!!

*How he loves to snuggle up while we watch shows, and play with my bellybutton (goofball)!

More than anything, I'm just overwhelmed with thankfulness!! Thankfulness for 2 years of LIFE, thankfulness for how our relationship with him has blossomed so much in such a short time, thankfulness for that smile, and thankfulness for the good and bad! ALL OF IT!

What an honor, and immeasurable blessing it is to be his mother.

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