Monday, May 14, 2012

Forgetting who I am.

I 'stumbled' across a devotional this morning that spoke very loud to me (or, God placed it in my path for a specific reason!) ;)

The main jist was this: A mom of 3 young boys realizes how miserable she is, she struggles daily with feelings of inadequacy & exhaustion, and is completely overwhelmed. She asked herself, "After struggling with 3 years of infertility, shouldn't I be enjoying every single moment of this? What is wrong with me??"

After reading this, I started thinking about how I struggle with the same thoughts! Not every day, and not after struggling with infertility, but I do!! And what's wrong with me? Nothing! I'm human, and those feelings (in doses, might I add) are completely normal! ESPECIALLY with 3 little boys!!

She goes on to say that she knew her soul needed refreshment. She was totally consumed in the day-to-day life of 'stay at home mommy' and she was starting to lose who SHE was beyond that. She chose to find herself again, in the middle of the chaos!

She started creating little 'moments of peace' throughout her home. Fresh cut flowers on her table, a pretty coffee mug, a ruffled blouse. She knew that the answer to peace wasn't found in these things alone, but in Christ. However, finding her identity was a start!

Here's the link, it gave me such a boost!!!

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