Thursday, January 19, 2012

winter time with a toddler

As I sit here watching Veggie Tales with my handsome little man, I can't help but think about how old he's getting (and how stinkin' smart he is)!! Winter time with a toddler is hard, in the sense that you can't get out as much as either of you would like. However, we've made it our goal to go somewhere at least twice each week. It's good for him, and for me too! Here's our favorite winter-time play places. Please share yours, too!

The mall has 2 terrific areas for your little one to get their energy out! The main play area just outside Barnes & Noble, and then our favorite- Barnes & Noble itself! There's a huge train track station that Ayden loves, thousands of books (obviously), and a really cute little stage with chairs and benches. Oh, and if your child is as obsessed with 'HOT' things as mine, there's a large fireplace in the center that they can stare at and ponder for hours, okay seconds.

The Healthworks Kids Museum. I have yet to take Ayden there, but I really REALLY want to! I volunteered there in middle school, and it's such a neat place for little ones to explore! I can't wait to take him, but I would rather do it with a buddy-system because it's in downtown SB. Anyone?

The LIBRARY! Who ever thought a library was JUST for reading?? Ours has an outstanding play area that Ayden also enjoys! There's also toddler story time, that we're planning on attending starting next month! :)

I'm also up for fun craft ideas for little boys! We've done our fair share of experiments, and I'm in need of new ones..


  1. Abby! I'd LOVE to take Owen to healthworks with you sometime!!! I'd also LOVE LOVE to know when story time is!!!! :)
