Thursday, April 1, 2010

New plans & baby update :)

Well everybody, I'm gonna try to explain this as best I can without confusion. Jaymes & I since last month, have been planning on moving to base so we can save extra money for baby Heare. If we lived on base, here would be the pro's: A bigger place, cheaper groceries, less gas money, closer to friends. So, LOTS of them!! Our cons: further from the hopsital we'll deliver at, further from church, not as much BAH, and living by a tun of Marines, Jaymes would never feel like he really "came home" from work. Wellll, Jaymes came home from work the other night with a great idea. We started to look at apartments/houses to rent that are closer to the hospital, with more space, for less cost. We found a place that's VERY close to the hospital, (on base we'd be an HOUR away... can you imagine a 1 hour car ride in labor?? Not me) Right now we pay $1395 a month to live in a 700 square foot apartment.. welcome to Cali, folks. If we lived at this new apartment complex, we'd pay closer to $1000 a month, and we'd have a lot more space. We're going to check it out this weekend to see if it's worth it or not. If we lived on base, we'd only save around $300 a month, if we live in this apartment, we'll be saving close to/more than double that. We're also getting rid of one of our vehicles very shortly, and that'll save us even more.

I do want to add very quickly that our 17 week visit went great!!! Baby is doing just fine & growing very fast!! We have an appointment @ 2:30 on the 20th to determine the sex.. CAN'T WAIT!! Also, during our appointment I was describing my growing pains to the doctor and she said that not only am I experiencing round ligament pain, but I'm actually able to feel contractions already.. (didn't see that one coming!!) They are very painful, and sometimes I can't move until they "subside", but they aren't unbearable.. which is good, because I have 5 more months to go.. haha! She said most women don't feel them until they are further along, but I guess I'm one of the "lucky" few that gets to feel them early. ha! Maybe it's cause I'm petite??

That's all for now, my eyes are getting blurry.

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