Well, we made it back to California safely! We had an absolute blast in Indiana with everyone, and wish it could have lasted a little longer! We got to spend quality time both sides of the family, meet with some wonderful friends, eat at some of our favorite restaurants, and of course, we had some extra time to bond with each other. I've been doing a lot of reminiscing over our vacation.. yesterday & today have been pretty rough days for me, not only because I had to get back on an airplane, but because I had to leave a huge chunk of my life behind, again.. (now don't get me wrong, I'm VERY thankful that the largest chunk got to come back with me!!) However, I've never been good at goodbyes, and this time saying goodbye to everyone proved to be pretty hard on me! I say "me" because Jaymes is pretty good at saying goodbye, he's done it a few more times than I have. This time though, not only were we saying goodbye again, but the next time we see everyone, things are going to be so different! It won't be just Jaymes & I anymore, it'll be all 3 of us!! I don't want people to think I mean that in a bad way.. I just mean that it won't be the same old same old anymore. I did really good at saying goodbye to everyone, but then when it came to saying goodbye to my dad & sister at the airport.. (the last 2 people we said bye to) reality set in & it got pretty emotional. We really miss Indiana & can't wait to live there again!! :)
Real quick, here's a couple of the highlights from our trip (both of our highlights): Family dinner at Fiesta, maternity clothes shopping with mom, Josh's graduation, Josh & Ashlyn's graduation party, meeting Kyle Pannabecker & seeing Crystal & Brandon after a whole year, hanging out with the Morris family, almost everyone getting the opportunity to feel Baby Heare move, ice cream panic with my sister & hubby, the gun store, the shooting range, staying up late playing video games with the bros, seeing the sisters & getting to spend time with them, swimming in the parents pool, getting maternity photos taken, watching Blindside with the parents & gma, the baby shower, spending time with both Grandma's, Joel & Rose coming to town, fighting with Joel & Josh again, eating dad's famous chicken, all the junk food, the smell of the garage, not having to worry about a thing, sleeping in with my hubby EVERY morning, not having to spend money on a darn thing, running into old teachers, the humidity (only kidding), and SOOO much more.. I could go on for hours!
All-together, our vacation was a success & we are very blessed to have been in Indiana for awhile. Thank you, mom & dad Fidler for flying us home & housing us, and everyone, for the laughs, the great food, the crys, and just the quality time we got to spend with you all before our son is born. We'll really treasure the memories from this trip HOME.
More updates will be coming very shortly, as we move into our new apartment this weekend, and the 3rd and FINAL trimester starts next week! :)
God Bless!